Dissolution of 16th Lok Sabha 25/05/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

Dissolution of 16th Lok Sabha




The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, today gave its approval to the Resolution advising the President to dissolve the Sixteenth Lok Sabha, which was constituted on 18.05.2014.


In India, the Lok Sabha has a five-year term, but can be dissolved earlier. According to Article 83(2) of the Constitution, completion of five years from the first day of its meeting amounts to dissolution of the Lower House. In this case, an election is held to elect the new Members of Parliament. The Lower House can also be dissolved earlier by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. It can also be dissolved if the President feels that no viable government can be formed after the resignation or fall of a regime.

When the LS dissolved, all business including bills, motions, resolutions, notices, petitions and so on pending before it or its committees lapse. They must be reintroduced in the new LS.

However, some pending bills and all pending assurances that are to be examined by the Committee on Government Assurance do not lapse on the dissolution of the LS. The position with respect to lapsing of bills is as follows:

  • A bill pending in the LS lapses (whether originating in the LS or transmitted to it by the Rajya Sabha).
  • A bill passed by the LS but pending in the Rajya sabha lapses.
  • A bill not passed by the two houses due to disagreement and if the president has notified the holding of a joint sitting befor the disolution of LS, does not lapse.
  • A bill pending in the RS but not passed by the LS does not lapse.
  • A bill passed by both Houses but pending assent of the President does not lapse.
  • A bill passed by both houses but returned by the President for reconsideration of houses does not lapse.


Source: PIB


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