Van Dhan Yojana organized by TRIFED 01/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Van Dhan Yojana organized by TRIFED

(Ministry of Tribal Affairs)


A workshop to flag the 100 days’ plan for implementation of the Van Dhan Yojana/ Scheme was organised by TRIFED of Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

  • Van Dhan Karyakaram would establish 50,000 ‘Van Dhan Vikas Kendras’ in the tribal areas.
  • The Van Dhan Karyakaram will cover 50 non-nationalized MFP items with Minimum Support Price to provide fair and remunerative returns to the tribals.



  • Under Van Dhan, 10 Self Help Groups of 30 Tribal gatherers are constituted.
  • They are then trained and provided with working capital to add value to the products, which they collect from the jungle.
  • These groups can then market their products not only within the States but also outside the States.



  • The establishment of Van Dhan Vikas Kendra is for providing skill upgradation and capacity building training and setting up of primary processing and value addition facility.
  • These kendras’ in the tribal areas of the country ensures livelihood generation, income enhancement and empowerment of tribals.



An important source of livelihoods for tribal people are non-wood forest products, generally termed ‘Minor Forest Produce (MFP)’ means all non-timber forest produce of plant origin and will include bamboo, canes, fodder, leaves, gums, waxes, dyes, resins and many forms of food including nuts, wild fruits, Honey, Lac, Tusser etc.

  • The Minor Forest Produces provide both subsistence and cash income for people who live in or near forests.
  • They form a major portion of their food, fruits, medicines and other consumption items and also provide cash income through sale.
  • Tribals derive 20-40% of their annual income from Minor Forest Produce on which they spend major portion of their time.



  • The TRIFED came into existence in 1987.
  • It is a national-level apex organization functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
  • TRIFED has its registered and Head Office located in New Delhi and has a network of 13 Regional Offices located at various places in the country.


Tribals: Tribals are known to be the autochthonous people of the land. Tribals are often referred to ‘adivasi’, ‘vanvasi’, ‘pahari’, ‘adimjati’, ‘anusuchit janjati’, etc. India has the second largest tribal population in the world, the first being Africa and tribal Communities are the integral segment of Indian society.


Objectives of TRIFED

  1. Socio-economic development of tribal people in the country
  2. Development and marketing of Tribal products
  3. Empower tribal people with knowledge, tools and pool of information
  4. Capacity building of the tribal people through sensitization, formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and imparting training


Source: PIB

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