Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan – Aim, Objectives, Significance 02/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan – Aim, Objectives, Significance

(Ministry of Human Resource Development)


Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan is running successfully to motivate children to learn Science, Maths, and Technology through observation and experimentation.



The Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan (RAA) was launched on 9th July 2015 by Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.



  • The Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan is a convergent framework across School Education and Higher Education.
  • The Abhiyan motivate children of the age group from 6-18 years in learning Science, Mathematics and Technology through observation, experimentation, inference drawing, model building, etc. both through inside and outside classroom activities and processes.
  • It seeks to create curiosity, excitement and spirit of innovation and exploration amongst school children by encouraging higher education institutions to become Mentoring Institutions and assist secondary and elementary schools in the study of Science and Mathematics.
  • To encourage and nurture schools to be incubators of Innovation.







  1. Systemic improvements in the School System
  • Teacher Preparation for Science, Mathematics, and Technology: Pre-Service and InService
  • Assessment design for Science and Mathematics for students
  • Recruitment of Science and Mathematics Teachers.
  • Strengthening School Science Laboratories and Mathematics Laboratories
  • Provision of teaching-learning equipment and supplementary books/materials to enhance Science and Mathematics transactions in classrooms.
  • Use of Technology in Science and Mathematics teaching
  • Development of resource materials
  • Strengthening teacher support institutions and in the use of technology
  • Effective classroom transaction: teaching-learning.


2. Initiatives to encourage Science, Mathematics through alternative strategies

  • School Mentoring for Science & Mathematics teaching by Higher Education Institutions.
  • Teacher Circles on Science, Mathematics, and Technology
  • Science/Mathematics Clubs for Children
  • Expand outreach of programmes of the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote science learning.
  • Participation of Students in Inter-school, State/National Maths, and Science Competitions/ Olympiads, etc.
  • Organised visits to Science Museums and Science fairs and Mathematics Melas.
  • Parents and community sensitization.


Source: PIB


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