Agriculture Census – Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare 11/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Agriculture Census

(Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare)


As per the Agriculture Census, the percentage of female operational holdings in the country has increased from 12.78 per cent during 2010-11 to 13.78 per cent during 2015-16.



A census of agriculture is a statistical operation for collecting, processing and disseminating data on the structure of agriculture.



  • The Census conducted at an interval of every five years by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare.
  • Government of India has been conducting comprehensive Agriculture Census as a part of the World Agriculture Census Programme.
  • The first comprehensive Census was carried out with Agriculture year 1970-71 as the reference.
  • The Census is carried out by the States/Union Territories.
  • The overall technical and administrative support is provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • It is a Central Sector Scheme being financed completely by the Government of India.
  • The fieldwork is carried out by the Primary Reporting Agencies of the Revenue Departments in most of the States.
  • For the collection of Census data, the States have been grouped into two categories viz., the Land Record States and the Non-Land Record States.
  • Twenty-two state/UTs fall in the category of Land record states.
  • Thirteen state/UTs fall in the category of Non-Land record states.
  • The current Census with the reference year 2015-16 is tenth in the series.
  • Agriculture Census Scheme was converted from a Centrally-Sponsored Scheme to a Central Sector Plan Scheme in 2007-08.
  • 100 per cent financial assistance is provided to States/ UTs for payment of salaries, office expenses, honoraria, tabulation and printing of schedules, etc.



  • Purposeful planning at the micro/macro level
  • Decision-making in agriculture
  • Formulation of any meaningful and effective strategy for agricultural development
  • Detailed data on the structure of agricultural holdings



  • The International Institute of Agriculture conducted the first Programme for the World Census of Agriculture (WCA) in 1930.
  • Beginning with 1950, the FAO of the United Nations has been preparing and advocating decennial World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA).
  • Under the leadership of FAO, country participation in the WCA programme has been increased over time.
  • The present round of the Census programme (WCA 2020) covers agricultural censuses to be carried out by countries between 2016 to 2025.


Source: PIB

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