Scorpene submarine“KHANDERI” – Indian Navy – Diligent IAS 22/09/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

Scorpene submarine“KHANDERI”

(Ministry of Defence)



Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) delivered the second Scorpene submarine ‘KHANDERI’ to the Indian Navy.



  • The submarine ‘KHANDERI’ is named after the wide snouted Saw fish, a deadly sea predator of the great Indian Ocean.
  • The first Submarine Khanderi was commissioned into the Indian Navy in December 1968 and decommissioned in October 1989.
  • The Scorpene class of submarines can undertake multifarious tasks which include anti-surface as well as anti-submarine warfare.
  • The constructions of third Scorpene at MDL, KARANJ, was started on 31st January 2018.



  • The Scorpene-class submarines are a class of diesel-electric attack submarines.
  • They are jointly designed by the French Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN) and the Spanish company Navantia, and manufactured by the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDSL), Mumbai.
  • It features diesel propulsion and an additional air-independent propulsion (AIP).
  • Six Scorpene class submarines are being built under Project 75.
  1. INS KALVARI – commissioned
  2. INS KHANDERI – Under sea trials
  3. INS KARANJ – Under sea trials
  4. INS VELA – Under sea trials
  5. INS VAGIR – Will be delivered by 2022
  6. INS VAGSHEER – will be delivered by 2022


Source: PIB




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