SCO Joint Exercise on Urban Earthquake Search and Rescue, 2019 06/11/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags: , , , , ,


(Ministry of Home Affairs)


Shanghai Cooperation Organization Joint Exercise on Urban Earthquake Search and Rescue-2019

  • SCOJtEx-2019 is a four days exercise will be held from 4-7 November 2019.



  • The NDRF (National Disaster Response Force) is hosting joint urban earthquake rescue for all eight SCO member (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) countries, with the aim to rehearse the disaster response mechanism, share knowledge, experience, technology and also for mutual coordination.
  • The simulation exercise shall be conducted as per the International Search & Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) methodology and guidelines.
  • There will be a Joint Urban Earthquake Search & Rescue Exercise for Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states followed by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization experts meeting of Ministries responsible for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situation.



During the exercise, role & responsibility of Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) at National & International Level, Emergency Medical Team (EMT), Humanitarian System/The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC)/Emergency Response & Assessment Team (ERAT), On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC), Establishment of Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)/Integrated Command Post (ICP)/Response Cluster, Local Emergency Management Authority (LEMA) & Cluster Meetings, Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination (CM-Cord) will be discussed and practiced among the representatives from all 8 member nations.


Source: PIB



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