Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority 19/11/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority

Ministry of Commerce & Industry



The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) under the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, held the first-ever international buyer-seller meet on Agriculture & Horticulture produce in Arunachal Pradesh.



  • Ten International buyers from seven countries of Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, UAE, Sultanate of Oman and Greece participated in the meet.
  • Growers and exporters showcased the products of Arunachal Pradesh like Mandarin oranges, kiwi, pineapple, king chilly, large cardamom, organic products, other fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices.



The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December 1985.



  • Development of industries relating to the scheduled products for export by way of providing financial assistance or otherwise for undertaking surveys and feasibility studies, participation in enquiry capital through joint ventures and other reliefs and subsidy schemes.
  • Fixing of standards and specifications for the scheduled products for the purpose of exports.
  • Improving of packaging of the Scheduled products
  • Improving of marketing of the Scheduled products outside India
  • Promotion of export oriented production and development of the Scheduled products.


Source: PIB



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