Chinese startup LinkSpace completed its third test of a reusable rocket 12/08/2019 – Posted in: Daily News



Chinese startup LinkSpace completed its third test of a reusable rocket in five months.

  • LinkSpace’s RLV-T5 rocket blasted off in a desert in western Qinghai province.
  • It flew as high as 300 metres before returning to the launchpad on its own after 50 seconds.


SpaceX has already used recoverable rockets on a number of orbital missions since 2017. spurring Europe, Russia, Japan and China to speed up their own research into the technology or at least consider studying it.



This move will be stepping up the pace in the race to develop a technology key to cheap space launches in an expected global boom in satellite deployment.


Need of the hour

China envisions constellations of commercial satellites that can offer services ranging from the high-speed Internet for aircraft and rural areas to tracking coal shipments and commuter traffic.


Way ahead

The Beijing-based company aims to launch its next-generation RLV-T16 next year that will be capable of reaching an altitude of up to 150 kilometres.


Reusable Launch Vehicle – Technology Demonstration Program (RLV-TD)

  • RLV-TD is a series of technology demonstration missions that have been considered as a first step towards realizing a Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO) fully re-usable vehicle.
  • A reusable launch vehicle is a unanimous solution to achieve low cost, reliable and on-demand space access.


Source: The Hindu


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