Documentary Film Club “KSHITIJ” launched 14/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Documentary Film Club “KSHITIJ” launched

(Ministry of Information and Broadcasting)


KSHITIJ is a documentary film club launched by Films Division of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

It is launched in association with the Indian Documentary Producer’s Association (IDPA).



  • The public screenings will be organized on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at the Films Division complex.
  • The audience can interact with the director/curator of the films.
  • The documentary film “Secret Life of Frogs” by Ajay & Vijay Bedi will be screened as the inaugural film.



  • The film’s Division was established in 1948.
  • It has the responsibility to maintain a record of the social, political and cultural imaginations and realities of the country on film.
  • The division has been actively working in encouraging and promoting a culture of film-making in India.
  • It holds more than 8000 titles including priceless INRs (Indian News Review), documentaries, short films and animation films.


Source: PIB


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