First ever Draft Plan for Power Distribution Sector 20/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

First-ever Draft Plan for Power Distribution Sector

(Ministry of Power)



Power Minister reviews first-ever Draft Plan for Power Distribution Sector.

  • It is prepared by the Central Electricity Authority under the guidance of the Ministry of Power.
  • Till now, the Central Government has been preparing Perspectives Plans for Generation and Transmission Sectors under the aegis of the National Electricity Plan (NEP).



  • The Distribution plan keeps the needs of consumers at the center of its focus.
  • This would enable the distribution sector to address all the people, process and technology-related aspects required for making the Power sector robust and resilient.



A Distribution plan is aimed at sustaining the goal of 24X7 uninterrupted power for all with increasing demand of electricity by consumers.



  • The plan lays emphasis on 100% metering of all consumers and providing an electricity connection on demand.
  • The plan also envisages frontier technology initiatives with an objective of providing reliable quality power supply to consumers.
  • Plan also envisages conversion of all Electricity consumer meters into smart meters in prepaid mode within the next three years.
  • Smart metering would empower consumers with tools to help them conserve energy and plan their electricity usage in an efficient and optimum manner.
  • The plan anticipates an increase in Distribution substation capacity by 38%, Distribution transformation capacity by 32% and an increase in different type of feeder lengths by 27-38% till 2022.



  • CEA is also preparing a Distribution Planning Manual for guiding DISCOMs for future planning.
  • This is a step in the direction of developing Standards of Service for Power Sector in India.



  • Central Electricity Authority is an organization originally constituted under Section 3(1) of the repealed Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, since substituted by Section 70 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
  • It was established as a part-time body in 1951 and made a full-time body in 1975.
  • The functions and duties of CEA are delineated under Section 73 of the Electricity Act, 2003.


Source: PIB

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