Markandeshwar temple in Maharashtra 20/07/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags:

Markandeshwar temple in Maharashtra

(Ministry of Culture)


The Restoration work of Markandeshwar temple in Maharashtra by Archaeological Survey of India is in full swing.



The temple is also known as “Khajuraho of Vidarbha”.

  • It is situated on the bank of River Wainganga in district Gadchiroli of Maharashtra.
  • The temples belong to the Nagara group of temples of North India.
  • The temples date ranges in between 9-12th centuries CE.
  • Most of the temples have a simple plan, with ardhamandapa, mandapa, antarala and garbhagriha.
  • The temples belong to Saiva, Vaishnava and Sakta faith.



  • The Markandeshwar temple faced largescale destruction caused on the main shrine (gabhagriha).
  • According to Alexander Cunningham, about 200 years ago the shikhara of the main shrine and mahamandapa was struck by lightning which led to the partial collapse of the shikhara.
  • The then Gond Ruler renovated the temple about 120 years ago, however, the attempt was not as per the modern conservation standards.
  • The Archaeological Survey of India initiated the conservation work of this temple since November 2017.


Source: PIB


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