Modernization of Technology to Double the Farmer’s Income 21/06/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Modernization of Technology to Double the Farmer’s Income

(Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)


The Government has set a target of doubling of farmers’ income by the year 2022.

  • The Government has constituted an Inter-Ministerial Committee to examine issues relating to doubling of farmers’ income.
  • This committee will also recommend a strategy to achieve the doubling of farmers’ income in real terms by the year 2022.
  • The committee has, inter-alia, appreciated the role of Digital Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Block chain Technology, Internet of Things), which can play a transformational role in modernizing and organizing how rural India performs it’s agricultural activities.


Major technology interventions include:

  1. Development of Kisan Suvidha mobile application to facilitate dissemination of information to farmers on the critical parameters viz., Weather; Market Prices; Plant Protection; input Dealers (Seed, Pesticide, Fertilizer) Farm Machinery;  Soil Health Card; Cold Storages & Godowns, Veterinary Centres and Diagnostic Labs.
  2. The Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) has also compiled more than 100 mobile apps developed by ICAR, State Agricultural Universities, and Krishi Vigyan Kendras. These mobile apps developed in the areas of crops, horticulture, veterinary, dairy, poultry, fisheries, natural resources management and integrated subjects,  offer valuable information to the farmers, including package of practices, market prices of various commodities, weather-related information, advisory services, etc.
  3. Development of mKisan Portal for sending advisories on various crop related matters to the registered farmers through SMSs.
  4. Launching of e-National Agriculture Market initiative to provide farmers an electronic online trading platform.
  5. Implementation of  Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure.
  6. Introduction of Soil Health Card Scheme to assist State Governments in providing Soil Health Cards to all farmers across the country.
  7. Providing subsidies under National Food Security Mission (Oil Seeds and Oil Palm) to farmers on seed components, transfer of technologies, production inputs, and water carrying devices.
  8. Use of  space technology for various programmes/ areas such as Forecasting Agricultural Output using Space, Agrometeorology and Land-based Observations project,  Coordinated program on Horticulture Assessment and Management using geo-informatics project, National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System, Rice-Fallow Area Mapping and intensification, geo-tagging of infrastructure and assets created under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana,  and Crop Insurance.


Source: PIB


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