Ongole Cattle Breed 20/05/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags: , ,

Ongole Cattle Breed

(Vice President’s Secretariat)


The Vice President of India, has lamented the neglect of the indigenous Ongole cattle breed and called for protecting and promoting the animal, which has become popular all over the world.

The time has come for promoting Ongole cattle breed in a big way and also take up research on the animal, which is known for its toughness, high milk yield, tolerance to tropical heat and disease resistance.



  • Ongole cattle are an indigenous cattle breed that originates from Prakasam District in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.
  • The breed derives its name from the place the breed originates from, Ongole.
  • The Ongole breed of cattle, Bos Indicus, has a great demand as it is said to possess resistance to both foot and mouth disease and mad cow disease.
  • These cattle are commonly used in bull fights in Mexico and some parts of East Africa due to their strength and aggressiveness.
  • They also participate in traditional bull fights in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
  • Cattle breeders use the fighting ability of the bulls to choose the right stock for breeding in terms of purity and strength.
  • Ongole cattle are famous for their bulls.
  • It was the first Indian breed of cattle to gain worldwide recognition.


Source: PIB


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