PIB updates (26-april-19) 26/04/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Heavy rainfall warning

(Ministry of Earth Science)



Latest satellite imageries & surface observations indicate that a depression has formed over East Equatorial Indian Ocean & adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal.

It is very likely to intensify further into a deep depression during next 24 hours and into a Cyclonic Storm during the subsequent 12 hours.

It is very likely to move northwestwards off Srilanka coast during next 96 hours and reach near north Tamilnadu & south Andhra Pradesh coast on 30th April 2019 evening.


Source: PIB



15th Finance Commission meets Ministry of Panchayati Raj

(Finance Commission)


The Ministry of Panchayati Raj made a presentation to the Chairman of 15th Finance Commission.



It specifies that the measures needed to augment the Consolidated Fund of a State to supplement the  resources  of  the Panchayats in the State should be on the basis of the recommendations made by the Finance Commission.



  • Allocations to different categories of Panchayats.
  • Modification in modality for provision of Performance Grant.
  • Allocation of  funds to non-part IX areas/ DPs & IPs and UT Panchayats.
  • Sustainable Development Goals linked to activities other than construction.
  • Need for increased adoption of Digital Technology by the Panchayats.
  • Augmentation of Own Source Revenue- Mechanism to be developed by State Govt.


Both the Ministry and the Commission agreed to the view that all three tiers of Panchayati Raj Institutions should receive fund devolution, and the proportionality should be within a specified band.


The Commission will go through all the proposals which shall also be part of the Memorandum of the Central Government to the Commission – for the purpose of making its final recommendations.


Source: PIB