Press Information Bureau – PIB 23/04/2019 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau

Take a pledge to preserve & promote mother tongue

(Vice President’s Secretariat)



The Vice President of India, has called upon to people to take a pledge to preserve and promote their mother tongue.

  • Stressing that there was a need to strengthen the campaign for preserving mother tongue.
  • He urged upon State governments to make mother tongue mandatory up to primary school level.

In order to make students become responsible citizenry, the Vice President tasked schools to create an atmosphere of joyful learning and revamp curriculum to teach students the stories of great freedom fighters and inculcate Indian values.

  • Opining that women who constitute 50% of the population must be given equal opportunities.
  • Educating the girl child and educating women was essential to India’s growth.
  • He called upon people to make campaigns such as Educating the Girl Child must become peoples movements.


Source: PIB



Controller General of Defence Accounts

(Ministry of Defence)


Shri Rajendra Kumar Nayak took over as the 52nd Controller General of Defence Accounts on April 22, 2019. He is from the Indian Defence Accounts Service of 1983 batch.



Defence Accounts Department, with the Controller General of Defence Accounts at its head, functions under the administrative control of the Financial Adviser (Defence Services). The duties of the Defence Accounts Department are broadly audit, payment and accounting of all charges pertaining to the Armed Forces, including bills for supplies and services rendered and for construction/repair works, pay and allowances miscellaneous charges, pensions, etc.

The Defence Accounts Department comes under the Ministry of Defence with the Controller General of Defence Accounts as the Head of the Department. The organization of the Defence Accounts Department corresponds broadly to the organization of the three Services. In addition, it also caters for the Ordnance Factories. Defence Research & Development Organisation, the Canteen Store Department, the Coast Guard, the Border Roads Organisation and Inter-Service Organisations under the Ministry of Defence.


Source: PIB