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Country’s food and nutrition security Report 2019

COUNTRY’S FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY REPORT 2019   For: Preliminary & Mains Topics covered: Highlights of the report, Sustainable development goal   News Flash Almost one in three Indian children under five years will still be stunted by 2022 going by current trends, according to an analysis of the country’s food and nutrition security. Over the last decade, child stunting has reduced at a rate of about 1% per year. At this rate, 31.4% of…

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Healthy States Progressive India Report Continue reading...

Non Communicable Diseases

Non Communicable Diseases (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) WHAT There is an urgent need to expedite and accelerate the Non Communicable Diseases (NCD)interventions as the burden of these diseases is rising in the country. Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare at the high level meeting to review the status of National Programme for prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and strokes (NPCDCS), urge all the cardiologists of the country to come…

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Sustainable Goals Gender Index

SUSTAINABLE GOALS GENDER INDEX   For: Preliminary & Mains Topic covers: Index report, Global Vs. India, SDG Index   News Flash India ranked 95th out of 129 countries in a new index that measures global gender equality looking at aspects such as poverty, health, education, literacy, political representation and equality at the workplace. Denmark was ranked at the first place and Chad at 129th place. China ranked at 74 position, Pakistan at 113 while Nepal and…

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Anthropocene Epoch Continue reading...

Anthropocene Epoch

ANTHROPOCENE EPOCH   Recently (May 21), panel of the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) voted in favour of designating a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene. Arrival of new epoch signals the end of the Holocene Epoch, which began 11,700 years ago. The panel plans to submit a formal proposal for the new epoch by 2021 to the International Commission on Stratigraphy, which oversees the official geologic time chart. The final ratification will be made by…

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