05, April 2019 05/04/2019 – Posted in: MAINS QUESTIONS

23rd June 1757 marked the beginning of a new age in the Indian History. Elucidate.


Question itself is a fact and asked as Elucidate, which means to make something clear.

As in question, the above date marked the beginning of modern India. One can directly start writing about the Battle of Plassey fought between The Britishers (East India Company) and Siraj-ud-daulah. Its advantages and disadvantages for both.


Beginning of New age: One must write the political and economical effects.

Few important points from the timeline of India’s Modern History should be framed such as Diwani rights, Regulating acts, Prohibition of sati, introduction of Railway and telegraph, Press, Educational resolutions, Defence of India, Indian Navys act, formation of Interim government.