‘Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council’ banned by central government 20/11/2019 – Posted in: Daily News

Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
For: Preliminary & Mains
Topics covered:
- About Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
- Why is it banned?
News Flash
Meghalaya-based insurgent group HNLC (Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council) banned by the central government, for its growing activities of violence and other subversive acts.
- Centre also notified that HNLC’s activities are detrimental to the sovereignty and integrity of India.
- The central government declared the HNLC, along with all its factions, wings and front organisations as an unlawful association. The central government exercises the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967 (37 of 1967).
Why is HNLCouncil banned?
The MHA said the HNLC along with all its factions, wings and frontal organisations has been openly declaring as its objective the secession of the state’s areas, which are largely inhabited by Khasi and Jaintia tribals, from the Indian Union.
The group continues to intimidate and bully civilians to extort funds, maintains links with other insurgent groups of the Northeast to carry out acts of extortion and intimidation, and maintains camps in Bangladesh to give sanctuary and training to its cadre.
Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council
- HNLC is a militant organization operating in Meghalaya.
- It claims to represent the Khasi-Jaintia tribal people, and its aim is to free Meghalaya from the alleged domination of the Garos and the outsiders (the “Dkhars”) from the Indian mainland.
- It was banned in India on 16 November 2000, but the ban was later lifted.
Origin of HNLC
- The Meghalaya state was carved out of the Assam, with an aim to address the needs of the major tribes in the region: the Garos, the Jaintias and the Khasis.
- However, discontent grew among the tribals due to the alleged high-handedness of the security forces, the youth unemployment and the inability to compete with outsiders from mainland Indian businesses. This led to the rise of several insurgent groups in the state.
- The origins of HNLC lie in the Hynniewtrep Achik Liberation Council (HALC), the first militant organization in Meghalaya, which claimed to be a representative of the three major tribes of the state.
- After a split occurred in HALC over tribal differences, the Garo members formed a new outfit called Achik Matgrik Liberation Army (AMLA), while the Khasi and Jaintia members formed the Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) in 1993.
Source: India Today
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