Manipur bags ‘Krishi Karman Awards’ – Diligent IAS 03/01/2020 – Posted in: Press Information Bureau – Tags: ,

Krishi Karman Awards

Prime Minister’s Office


Prime Minister distributed Agriculture Minister’s Krishi Karman Awards for Progressive Farmers and Commendation Awards to the states.



  • Manipur was selected for the prestigious award as the best-performing state in Overall Food-grain Production Category-III (production less than 1 million tone) for the year 2017-18.
  • The award carried a trophy, a citation and an amount of Rs. 5 crore.



  • Krishi Karman awards are given to Best performer States for raising the country’s foodgrain production.
  • These awards were instituted in 2010-11 by the department of agriculture and cooperation, for recognising the meritorious efforts of the states in foodgrains production.
  • It comprises of three awards for total food grain production and four awards for production of crops that constitute the food grain viz. rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses.

Three categories

  1. Category 1: For the states where total foodgrain production exceeds 10 million tons.
  2. Category 2: For the states where total foodgrain is less than 10 million tons but more than 1 million tons.
  3. Category 3: For the states with the total foodgrain production is less than 1 million tons.


Source: PIB



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