The Union Ministry of Defense has announced that a permanent commission will be granted to women in the 10 branches of the Indian army.

The extension of the Standing Committee on Women will offer women a career in the military until their retirement.

The Short Service Commission offers the possibility of serving as commissioned officer for 10/14 years. At the end of the 10 years, 3 options will be offered: choose a Permanent Commission or unsubscribe or have the option of a 4-year extension.

In February 2019, the Center issued a notification authorizing a permanent commission for SSC women in the Indian army. Prime Minister Narendra Modi endorsed the idea of ​​the permanent commission for women officers and announced the policy change in his independence day speech.



  • Under the Short Service Commission (SSC), women were recruited into the military for a period of 10 years, up to 14 years.
  • However, women were limited to roles in specific streams such as the Army Education Corps, the Signals Corps, the Intelligence Corps, and the Engineers Corps. These specified currents excluded combat weapons such as infantry and armored corps.
  • While male PVC officers could opt for a permanent commission at the end of 10 years of service, this option was not available for female officers. Official women were therefore excluded from any appointment to a command post and could not claim the government pension, which begins only after 20 years of service as an
  • However, in the policy statement of February 2019, the government supported the standing committee of the official women of the CSS in 10 transmissions of the sections “Combat Support Weapons” and “Services”. But it has been said that official women will not be offered command posts and will only serve in staff positions.

Permanent Commission

The standing committee refers to a career until retirement age. This means that an officer is selected by the Permanent Commission and serves the nation until the age of 60. An army officer must join the commission of the National Defense Academy (NDA), the Indian Military Academy (IMA) or the Officers Training Academy (OTA).

Highlights of the judgment

  • It has been rejected by the Court that the government's position that only official women with less than 14 years of service should be considered for a permanent commission, and those with more than 20 years of service should be immediately removed. The court eliminated all discrimination based on years of service for the granting of CPs in 10 categories of weapons and combat support services, which equates them to male officers.
  • The court ruled that female officers would also be eligible for command posts in non- combat zones because "an absolute ban on women seeking criteria or appointments to command posts would not be guaranteed equality under Article 14. The court considered that, since appointments to command posts were not automatic for official men, they would also be automatic for women. The military has been authorized to respond to a call on a case-by-case basis.
  • The court did not examine the exclusion of women from combat operations, as it was not challenged in the appeal.
  • The note showed the official women in dim light, saying that isolation and difficulties affected their resolution and that they should pay attention to the call of pregnancy, childbirth and family. The note mentions that women risk being captured by the enemy and taking prisoners of war.
  • The Court noted that the difficult skills of women because of their gender constituted a crime not only for their dignity as women but also for the dignity of members of the Indian army, men and women, who serve as equal citizens in a mission common.


The order and its implications

This means that official women will be able to hire all command posts, alongside men, which would open the way for new promotions to higher ranks.
It also means that in junior grades and career courses, female officers would take the same training courses and occupy critical positions, which are necessary for higher promotions.

The implications of the sentence must be assumed by the Department of Human Resources Management of the military, which must modify the policy to comply with it.


Why give women a permanent commission?

  • A quick glance at the previous files reveals that all the arguments presented against the strengthening of the responsibilities of women have been resolved by the armed forces by granting women greater responsibility in uniform. The IAF authorized the women become fighter pilots, and the military has sent them on difficult UN peacekeeping missions around the world.
  • Official women already successfully command the platoons, companies and the second in command, with male soldiers who accept their orders as part of a professional force.
  • Now they are excluded from commanding a unit, simply because they are women. This argument does not hold water.
  • A professional force does not discriminate on the basis of sex, it operates through training, standards and culture. Denying jobs to women will be an “extremely retrograde step” and “will cause irreparable harm” to their dignity.

Why was the government against it?

  • Maternity, child care and psychological limitations influence the employment of female officers in the military.
  • The separation of the family, the professional prospects of the spouses, the education of the children, the prolonged absences due to pregnancy, maternity were a great challenge for women to meet the demands of the service.
  • Physical limitations: Soldiers will be called upon to work on difficult terrain, isolated posts and adverse weather conditions. The officers must direct from the front. They must be in excellent physical condition to perform combat tasks. The government has declared that women are unable to play ground combat roles.


Way ahead

The greatest change will have to take place in the culture, norms and values ​​of the rank and record of the military, which will be under the military and political leadership.

After the progressive decision of the Supreme Court, they have no choice but to bite the proverbial bullet.




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