Heracles Inexpectatus – remains of giant parrot found 08/08/2019 – Posted in: Daily News – Tags: Parrots
Heracles Inexpectatus – giant parrot
- The remains of a super-sized parrot have been discovered near St. Bathans in southern New Zealand.
- Size of giant parrot stood more than half the height of an average human and roamed the Earth 19 million years ago.
- The bird would have stood about one metre tall and weighed up to seven kilograms.
- Bones of the parrot were found in 2008.
- The parrot has been named Heracles inexpectatus to reflect its Herculean size and strength — and the unexpected nature of the discovery.
Important info
- The bird was approximately the size of the giant “dodo” pigeon and twice the size of the critically endangered flightless New Zealand kakapo, previously the largest known parrot.
- New Zealand is home to the now-extinct flightless bird moa which was up to 3.6 metres tall with neck outstretched, is well known for its giant birds.
Source: The Hindu
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