Nanak Naam Lewa Sangat or a Nanakpanthi – Diligent IAS 04/11/2019 – Posted in: Daily News

Nanak Naam Lewa Sangat (Nanakpanthi)


After Pakistan PM Imran Khan waived requirement of a passport and 10-day advance registration for Sikh pilgrims from India visiting Gurdwara Darbar Sahib via Kartarpur Corridor, Punjab Chief Minister ‘urged’ Islamabad to apply this “to all citizens of secular India” as the Nanak Naam Lewa Sangat may not belongs to only one religion and it may belong to other religions too.


Nanak Naam Lewa or a Nanakpanthi

Any person who believes in Guru Nanak and follows his teachings in life, irrespective of belonging to any religion is a Nanak Naam Lewa.



  • During his four udaasis (travels), Guru Nanak had spread the message of oneness and people from different faiths had become his followers.
  • Nanak simply cannot be limited to just one religion (Sikhism) because the core value of his philosophy as he said was “Sabhna jiya ka ik daata” (There is only one giver of life, one God) and “Na koi Hindu, na Musalman” (There is no Hindu, no Muslim).


Nanakpanthi culture

There are syncretic groups of people in this region who are followers of Guru Nanak irrespective of them being Sikhs or Hindus. Also, there is a segment of Nanakpanthis who go to gurdwara as well as temple.


Source: Indian Express



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